What Is The Best Way To Look After Your Dental Hygiene?

Dr Muzzafar Zaman
2 min readApr 9, 2020


Personal dental hygiene helps to take care of bad breath, have an attractive smile, avoid gum disease and avoid decay. We will go through these in turn.

The best way to avoid bad breath is to simply brush effectively for 2 minutes twice a day and if possible after each meal. Just this action by itself will reduce the amount of bad breath significantly. In addition, you can also carry out two further actions which will make a big difference as well. The first one is to clean in between your teeth using floss or inter dental brushes. This will help to clean the remaining plaque or food that is left behind after normal brushing. Second extra thing that will help is to brush your tongue as well. This is because the tongue harbours bacteria which cause bad breath.

Everyone has their own unique set of teeth such as the colour and the shape alignment and size. Without having extensive dental treatment carried out you can maintain these aspects of your smile with the following tips. If you do consume foods, drinks and smoking which discolour your teeth, you can make sure that the true colour of your teeth does not deteriorate. You can also examine your teeth regularly to make sure that you do not notice any cavities in your front teeth which will make your teeth look worse as the cavities become bigger.

Gum disease is best avoided by looking for signs of gum disease which are bleeding gums, teeth being sensitive and gums receding. You can then ask a dentist to tell you if you actually do have gum disease. In the early stages, gum disease is easy to treat and quickly. Gum disease in the latter stages may be irreversible.

The best way to avoid decay is the 5:2 rule. 2 refers to brushing your teeth twice a day and the 5 refers to the number of times you have sugar in your diet. You must not consume anything with sugar more than 5 times a day to avoid chances of decay. This includes any drinks and your normal meals as well.

Finally, if you are unsure about any aspect of your mouth, it is best to ask your dentist.



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