What Are The Types Of Teeth Cleaning?

Dr Muzzafar Zaman
2 min readApr 9, 2020


Teeth Cleaning

Dentists use several different types of teeth cleaning.

These can be divided into several categories such as prophylaxis cleaning, scaling, scaling, air abrasion and teeth whitening.

Prophylaxis cleaning is the simplest form of dental cleaning and you may recognise this as a polishing or having your teeth polished at the dentist. Polishing or prophylactic cleaning involves just going around the teeth using a revolving brush with a special paste. The revolving brush has special bristles designed to remove staining and make your teeth feel tiny and polished again. The paste that the dentist uses is called prophylactic paste and has different flavours such as mint or orange flavours. The paste is used to make your mouth feel fresh after the cleaning but also it helps in removal of stains. A prophylactic cleaning is often done on its own or after you have had a scaling done that which we will talk about next.

Scaling is the removal of hard deposits that build-up. These hard deposits are called tartar or calculus. And calculus is important to remove as it is implicated in gum disease. This calculus or tartar is removed with scaling instruments. Most dentists use ultrasonic scaling however a few still use hand scaling. An Ultrasonic scaler uses a fine metal tip which vibrates very quickly under a water spray. Most scaling does not involve being numbed up but some patients can find their teeth a little bit sensitive however bearable.

A more extensive form of scaling is called deep scaling also the known as root surface debridement. Surface debridement is carried out when you have chronic periodontists which is the most serious form of gum disease. When you do have chronic gum disease, you will need this form of treatment and is often carried out while your teeth are being numbed up.

Recently, air abrasion technology has been used to make teeth free of staining from foods such as tea coffee and red wine but also smoking-related stains. This operation technique comes under different names such as Airflow and Aquacut.

Finally, another form of teeth cleaning is having your teeth whitened. Teeth whitening is a very effective form of teeth cleaning and is used to whiten enamel on your teeth. It does not have any long term harm and can make a dramatic difference to your smile within a short time period.



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