Sinus Lift Recovery Experience
A sinus lift procedure is also known as maxillary sinus lift augmentation for dental implants. It is a fairly major operation and therefore if you are having it done under local anaesthetic, it is not the most pleasant. Even though you will have plenty of local anaesthesia, there will still be a lot of bleeding and drilling involved. The procedure is usually about an hour however the dentist will probably put you in for most of the morning. You may feel pain during the operation especially if the anaesthesia is inadequate and therefore further anaesthesia will be required. In addition, complications can arise during the procedure such as the tearing or perforation of the schneiderian membrane. The complications are also severe bleeding and damage to nearby anatomical structures including adjacent teeth. Permanent numbness is something you may also be left with.
After the procedure, you will have additional antibiotics and analgesics as you will have done before the operation. It is also usual for the dentist to put you on a course of corticosteroids in order to reduce the inflammation afterwards. You will not of course be able to eat or on that side for at least 2 to 3 days. A liquid diet will be best.
You will need to go back to the dentist after a week in order to have the stitches or sutures removed.
Finally, you should be aware of post-operative complications such as pain, swelling, bruising, sinusitis and failure of the bone graft.
There are some complications that you may never recover from. These are chronic sinusitis, headaches and vertigo.